Monday, 1 April 2013

Day 1. A is for.....

1)I think A is possibly the easiest and most obvious of all the letters. (Oh Dear!). Because it is, of course, ANGELS. This is in the title of my book because most people who think about these things at all, think they might have a 'guardian angel'. Actually, they may have a 'spirit guide' to look after them here in Earth School, angels are far higher beings and don't usually do mundane things like trying to persuade humans to listen to good advice, and rewarding them with an occasional parking space! Read all about my 'angels' trials and tribulations in Despite the Angels.
2)I am Madeline A Stringer because I was advised against using my whole name. My middle name is Ann, after a greatgreatgreat etc grandmother who was apparently a bit of a character. She was Ann Walters, lived around 1820, in the other half of Shakespeare's house (the half you don't get shown) in Stratford on Avon. We have all been given some part of her name, and been christened in the broderie-anglaise robe she hand made. I was known as Ann for my first 17 years, so am fond of that 'A'.
3)Aconite: a great homoeopathic remedy for shock and fright.


  1. Hi Madeline, I think it's cool that you write about Angels and Spirit Guides. I always imagine mine having a wicked sense of humor. Good luck with A - Z, and please stop by MROP - today I'm talking about Awareness.

  2. Fellow A-Z challenger stopping in to say hello. Love the concept of your book Angels and Spirit Guides. Will have to check it out! Looking forward to following your posts this month :)

  3. Thanks for dropping by the blog. Alternative medicine sounds like an interesting choice for a career. :) I look forward to finding out more about your homeopathic remedies.

  4. A very nice post, I always thought my younger brother (died after birth) was watching over me, then my grandma, now after my mother's passing I believe that she drops by every now and again to remind me not to forget her. Anyway, I'm looking forward to reading more, and love the little tadbit about Ann who lived in the other half of shakespeare's home...nicely done.

  5. My guardian Angel always found a parking spot for me and my sis and since she passed away in January, I have found it easier to find one. I have a little word with her when I drive in to the car park :) I believe in Angels :)I visited shakespeares house in 1980....I wonder was Ann living there then ?

  6. I meant I wonder was her Angel living there.. I didn't for a minute think she was still alive :p

  7. Hi,

    I love the name Ann. My middle name is Ann because my mother's youngest sister named me and gave me her name as my middle name.

    I also believe there are angels who protect and I have had good experiences with them.

    Enjoyed this article and thank or visiting my blog.

